Fall Haikus

Fall haikus

Patience practice
peeling a pomegranate
I feel beneath it

Traveling south risk
for warmth might miss hue hoopla
tired of trade-offs

The wasps have died now
I can eat salmon outside
sundress with sweater

They scared me this year
buzzing round young grandbabies 
for love, I went in

The queen hunkers down
mated, mute, is she lonely?
the rest died, fate fall

Autumn, rust reaper
clients against my window
colored coronas 

My depressed clients
are ready, summer wants joy
fall allows fallow

My grieving clients
are ready, couches, pjs
big tissue boxes

My healing clients 
are ready, now not scared of
cycles, crimson, change.  

The sky snaps azure
shouts Lift your gaze! Don’t waste this!
my clouds rimmed with gold.