About Me


I was asked once in a writing group what I would have listed on my tombstone using only eight words. I chose “Deborah Grace: Life of Verdant Yearning, Letters, Love and Lasagna. My hope with my writing is to shine light on the commonalities between all peoples, the communion available in every moment, to present life as a shimmy and a shindig. If I could describe myself in seven words I would chose spoon, shore, spore, screech, sacrum, strum and song. I aspire to sashay and surrender.

I write as an anthem, alchemizing love, desire, mothering and living a creative life, as well as the bliss and blunder of the world around me. I write to kindle the sacred stirrings in us all. I offer a weekly-ish poem on my website, as well as book collections of poetry and memoir. 

Explore with me! Let’s carpool to the collective unconscious, let’s caravan to our most sacred selves where we can heal and hope anywhere, anytime.