William Carlos Williams was a famous poet who also was a doctor, he is known for his short earthy poems, which he often wrote on his prescription pad. My favorite of his is below my offering. It speaks to the humanity in all of us, that which knows better and yet takes what we want. I channeled him this week, eeking out a poem in the moments between. I have a client who likes to draw when she feels overwhelmed. Sometimes, I write poems with magnetic poetry while she resources with pen and paper. I like the constraint of the limited words, as well as, the discipline of using the last word of a stanza as the first word of the next. This week’s offerings were such.
Magnetic Poetry That Could Be About Sex (or Not)
touch beneath
between the explore
tender tunnel
inside caress
caress time
feel under eternity
passion package
explore please
please give slow
sweet stroke
want, have, always
desire adjusts the body
the body
a sacred breeze
you, a flower moment
wild petal, remember