This might be my favorite seven syllable line, written by Danielle LaPorte in her book Desire Map.
Ode to the Haiku Haikus
Five, seven and five
syllables, my fingers count
tap in the shower
hoped for conclusion-
everyone sighs at the end
rather ahhhhs, and smiles
some people hate them
silly or too pretentious
not all like lilacs
attention disorder balm
only three lines to attend
swift meaning making
you could tattoo one
brevity sometimes welcome
like a single kiss
mystery matter
embrace subtly revealed
the moon when darkened
like gathered beach glass
not every line is worthy
a few shine with time
haiku means first verse
we size one another up
in seconds, much missed
nature is subject
and present tenses preferred
today there is sun
mistakes in haikus
one syllable too many
excess allowed here
metaphors teach us
we are much more similar
rain and steam and snow
my favorite poem
is one I haven’t yet read
it waits like green spring
written or spoken
life can change with even one word
ancient or today